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    College profile
    Date: 2015-12-02 13:09:38    Hits::      Foot Size:[ Big][ Middle][ Small
    1. College of Advanced Textile(CAT),founded in April 2013, is approved by the Provincial Education Department.This school is a pioneer in education system reforming, talent training, characteristic cultivation and joint development. It’s a major measure to implement the “Guidance of the Ministry of Education on promoting the reform of the pilot college”and “Opinions of the provincial education department on promoting the reform of the pilot college”,with the aim to speed up the cultivation of innovative talents,explore experience of higher education system reforming,promote the development of higher education and improve education quality.
    现代纺织学院成立于 2013 4 月,是经省教育厅批准的试点学院。这是学校贯彻落实《教育部关于推进试点学院改革的指导意见》,按照《省教育厅关于推进高校试点学院改革的意见》要求,为加快创新人才培养,探索高等教育体制机制改革经验,促进高等教育内涵发展,提高教育质量所做的重大举措。 现代纺织学院是我校教育体制改革的先行区、人才培养的试验区、特色发展的示范区、协同发展的创新区。
    2. CAT now includes four departments of Textile Engineering,Apparel Engineering,Light Chemical Engineering and Mechanical Design Manufacturing & Automation,among which are three national “Excellent Engineer Training Program”and one “Innovative Talents of Textile Engineering Cultivation Program(Talents Program)”.Guided by the demand for application-oriented and innovative talents ,w ith the aim to enhance China's competitiveness in the global economy and future leadership,“Excellent Engineer Training Program” emphasis on cultivating students that are capable of engineering and innovation ,and also have great sense of social responsibility , professional character and ability to keep up with the development of industry. “Talents program” is based on the background of national strategic demands to revitalize the textile industry,trying to cultivate students that have solid mathematics,material and textile basis through innovative talents training mode.It’s required that students should not only be of scientific spirit and innovation consciousness,but also have humanistic literacy and broad international perspective,through which can help to foster good character,and rank the top of international textile field.
    现代纺织学院招生专业有: 纺织工程、服装设计与工程、轻化工程、机械设计制造及其自动化 4 个国家级 卓越工程师培养计划 纺织工程拔尖创新人才培育试验计划(英才计划) 卓越工程师培养计划 以增强我国在全球经济中的竞争力和提升国家未来的领先力为目标,以国家对应用型创新人才的需求为导向,强化培养适应产业发展的宽知识、厚基础、具备较强的工程能力和创新能力能力、具有社会责任感和职业素质的本科层次应用型工程创新人才。 纺织工程专业拔尖创新人才 是基于国家纺织产业振兴的战略需求背景下,通过创新人才培养模式,深化教学改革,培养创新人才,即培养具有扎实的数理及材料学科基础和纺织学科领域专业知识,具有科学精神和创新意识,具有 做事、共事、谋事 能力,具有较高的人文艺术素养和宽广的国际视野,具有优良个性品格,能够成长为纺织领域的领军人物,并逐步跻身国际前沿纺织学科领域拔尖人才。
    3. CAT maintains comprehensive partnership with many domestic and international famous universities includes The University of Manchester,Ivanovo Textile University ,Deakin University,and will engage a group of specialists and scholars that have international version,great teaching ability,fruitful research results as well as professional background.The leading professor of CAT are PhD.Xungai Wang(Scholar of national “One-Thousand-Talents-Scheme”) and PhD.Weilin Xu(“Yangzi River Scholar” of the Ministry of Education),and the faculty include some distinguished professors of “One-Hundred-Talents-Scheme” and “Chutian-Scholars-Scheme”,some enterprise experts and many excellent teachers of WTU.Many actions have been taken to improve teaching quality.Firstly,in terms of talents cultivation, we try to meet the international standard.Secondly,we optimize teaching contents according to three modules:basis,specialities and expansion.Thirdly,relying on national engineering practice center and core enterprise, we strengthen practice links in and out of campus especially overseas internship.Moreover, extracurricular activities base was built to enrich students’ extracurricular science activities and improve their comprehensive quality as well.When students face difficult decisions such as choosing careers, or deciding whether to continue with postgraduate education at home or abroad,all these actions will help them to lay a solid theoretical basis and accumulated rich practical experience.
    现代纺织学院与英国曼彻斯特大学、俄罗斯伊万诺沃纺织大学、澳大利亚迪肯大学等国内外知名大学全面合作,将聘任一批具有国际视野、教学能力突出、科研成果丰硕、行业背景深厚的专家学者进行授课。教学团队由国家 千人计划 人选王训该教授、教育部 长江学者 徐卫林教授领衔,授课教师包括湖北省"百人计划 " 特聘教授、 楚天学者计划 特聘教授、湖北名师、校优秀教师以及优秀企业导师等。在人才培养方面,试行与国际接轨;课程按基础、专业、拓展三大模块优化教学内容;依托国家工程实践中心、行业核心企业来鼓励海外实习,强化校内及校外实践环节;建设课外活动基地,丰富学生课外科技活动,提高综合素质。这些举措将为学生考研、留学、就业打下坚实的理论基础和积累丰富的实践经验。
    4. Guided by the demands for advanced textile talents,CAT will concentrate high quality teaching resources in and out of campus,take the advantage of the policy,the characteristic of WTU as well as the regional industry and translates them into the advantage of talents,trying to cultivates application-oriented and innovative students that have international version,capacity for independent thinking and perfect personality.